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10/21/09 Trails Cmte
Meeting Minutes:

Newtown Adhoc Trails Committee


Call to order 7pm

In attendance:

Tom Long - Newtown
Karl Philippi - Newtown
Robert Macey -Newtown
Cindy Miller - Newtown
Gail Bunovsky - Monroe
Steve Rosentel - Newtown
Amy Mangold - Newtown
Scott Coleman - Newtown
Mark Lurie - Newtown

1.      Motion made by Amy Mangold to elect Scott Coleman as Committee Chairperson and Ron Poidomani as Committee Secretary.
        Motion seconded by Tom Long
        No discussion
        All voted in favor

Motion made by Scott Coleman to elect Karl Philippi as Committee Vice-Chairperson.
Motion seconded by Steve Rosentel
No discussion
All voted in favor

2.      Discussion on what is to constitute a “member” of the committee vs. a participant
a.      Research to be done with town government

3.      Discussion on development of Swamp Road trail:
a.       Committee would like to see a long term plan developed
i.      This includes obtaining maps from Land Use that show open space between the trail and Fairfield Hills
b.       A work day was planned for October 31st from 10am - 12pm
i.      Objective is to walk the site/mark the site and determine scope of required improvements
4.      Discussion on developing a process to submit ideas for new trails
b.      Process to be drafted in accordance with town policy and procedure
5.      Discussion on possible expansion of Upper “Gussie” bike trail through existing open space near Tamarack Road
b.      Map to be obtained to identify open space in that area
6.      Decision made to hold recurring committee meetings on the 3rd Wed of each month at 7pm

Meeting adjourned at 8:30pm